“A computer is like an Old Testament god, with a lot of rules and no mercy”

Tuesday, June 2

The Force is Strong With This One

Bioware has a history of great games, from Neverwinter Nights to Knights of the Old Republic to Mass Effect. I've always enjoyed their games, because their storytelling skills are unequaled from a game standpoint.

Now Bioware stands on the cusp of unleashing an MMO on the market, and not just any MMO, but a Star Wars based one. Get ready for Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Video Game, E3 09: Jedi vs Sith Cinematic HD | Game Trailers & Videos | GameTrailers.com

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Mr. Mcknob said...

I admit it! I am nerd. Can't dispute it.

Great blog!

Mad Man said...

Thanks, amigo! I appreciate it.
