- Folding every pizza box in a pizza store where I worked as a cook and filling the walk-in freezer with them for the morning crew (I also filled this same freezer later with balloons)
- Bubble-wrapping desks, chairs, computer, and all office supplies on various occassions of co-workers
- Shrink wrapping a desk and chair
- Making a shortcut to every .bat, .exe, .doc, etc. on a computer and placing all of them in the Start Up items (took about 4 hours to finish starting up). The final item that opened up was a text doc that said over-and-over, "That's a lot of crap, isn't it?"
- Shrink-wrapping the opening and the filling a cubicle with packing peanuts (who hasn't done this?)
- Turning a small car sideways between 2 trucks in the parking lot (usually requires 4 guys)
- Zip-tying the cord of the phone to the base (that way, they pick up the whole phone when picking up the ear piece)
- Gluing the pick-up on the phone down
- Removing and then replacing (while re-arranging) all the letters on a keyboard
- Putting white-out on all the letters of a keyboard
- Taking the wheels off someone's office chair (variations include taking all but one, or just taking one)
- Sabotaging the gas cylinder on a chair so that it always has a slow leak
- Setting someone's verticle sync on their monitor to 30 (careful, will cause headaches)
- etc., etc....
Hit Cameras: Relics of Postwar Japan - Our Own Devices
10 minutes ago
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