“A computer is like an Old Testament god, with a lot of rules and no mercy”

Tuesday, November 3

*Sigh* Another Year Gone

Another Halloween gone.

This year's was a real disappointment, too. First, my wife and kids went to a cookout down the street. Or rather, I should say my wife and girls. My son decided he would rather stay home and play video games. So I had to stay home, too. Then when Mrs. MadMan returned, one of the girls went trick-or-treating with one of the neighbor's kids and her dad (instead of me).

I was very upset, obviously. I wanted the family to actually spend some time together.

My middle child took pity on me and let me trick-or-treat with her around the neighborhood before she and the wife left to go to another friend's house and trick-or-treat in their neighborhood.

And to top it off, it started raining so I only had 12 kids drop by all night.

All-in-all, it was not a very good Halloween.

Here's hoping for next year.