“A computer is like an Old Testament god, with a lot of rules and no mercy”

Friday, November 13

Mad Man's Top 5 Inexpensive Gunny Gift Ideas

Gun-guys/gals are usually ridiculously hard to buy for. Usually, like me, they can't wait and go out and get it themselves.

Here's hoping Mrs. Mad will be watching to get some Christmas/birthday ideas.
I've chose mostly from Amazon.com because they do fantastic at just-in-time shipping if you are like me and are a last minute shopper, and they have a wide variety of toys.

1. Hoppe's Universal Gun Cleaning 26-Piece Accessory Kit or alternately Outers® Universal Gun Cleaning Wood Tool Box - I haven't had a new cleaning kit in years.
2. Octagon Gun Clock Dark Oak or alternately Mantle Hide - a - gun Clock Dark Oak - a) I love clocks, b) I love guns. Why not combine the two?
3. WWW M16 Rubberband Gun - Who doesn't love to play shoot-out with the kids Christmas morning? If they get Nerf guns, it's only fair I get something, too! (although, I wouldn't say "no" to a Nerf gun either)
4. The Gun Tool - This would be handy to carry along to the range because it's very compact.
5. M.O.B. MIDDLE OF BACK HOLSTER - I had to go outside of Amazon for this one, but I've always been a HUGE Galco fan. Anything from Galco would be welcome.

That's my list. Got any other suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Targets. Ammo. mundane, but always needed.

Range bag and stuff for your range bag, like a good stapler, stowable cleaning rod, binocs, spotting scope, target pasters (black ones are hard to find, but nice), shooting gloves, extra magazines...

Reloading tools and/or components, if you reload.

Rifle cleaning vise/stand/holder.

A good field knife, but make sure you know exactly what model the recipient prefers - it is an awfully personal choice.

Mad Man said...

Good ideas, one and all!

Laughingdog said...

Some food for thought with your last item on the list. Having a gun over your spine is not the greatest thing if you land on your ass unexpectedly.

Mad Man said...

@Laughingdog: Admittedly, but that's where I've always carried. It's most comfortable to me.