“A computer is like an Old Testament god, with a lot of rules and no mercy”

Tuesday, November 10

Freakin' Hell, Way to Kill It Before It Gets Rolling

Verizon is nickle-and-diming Droid customers to death.

I was seriously thinking of getting one of these things. Uncle seems to like his well enough, but if they're going to charge absolutely obnoxious rates for their services, forget it. I'll go back to an iPhone.

Verizon, can you hear me now?

Update: Speaking of which, where the United Kingdom used to be, a carrier is offering to unlock the iPhone for use on other carriers after their contract is ended. Bet this will happen as well if AT&T loses their exclusive contract.


Ian Argent said...

It's the same cost VZW has been charging for smartphone tethering since at least, um, 2005? And due to a lawsuit a few years back, VZW does NOT (decidedly not) advertize as unlimited any more. Last I checked, all the major cell companies limit your tethering/conneciton card use to 5 gb now.

Much ado about nothing, IMNSHO