The article declares that:
"the research also looked at deep-sea isotope records and theorized there was a period of global cooling, called the Eocene, between 52 and 34 million years ago, that eventually led to the formation of the polar ice caps. Then came two progressively dramatic periods of cooling, which scientists have linked to a decline in naturally-produced greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere".
No s%*t, Sherlock. The Discovery channel and it's brand of pop-science once again declares the obvious with blatant authority. The part that really set me off about this was that even with that brilliant observation, they said:
"the same gases that, now man-made, are blamed for global warming today".Prove it, a$$holes. Sadly, I still think the Discovery channel line-up is the best on cable TV, but I really hate the global warming crap.
I blame Al Gore.

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