“A computer is like an Old Testament god, with a lot of rules and no mercy”

Thursday, February 5

Real-Life Spongebob

My kids love Spongebob Squarepants, and to tell the truth, I do to. Sadly, I was not introduced to Spongebob by my children in the first place. My co-workers introduced me. I had no clue about it until they were talking about it. Funny how that works, isn't it?

One of the constants of the Spongebob universe is that poor ol' Spongebob can't get his driver's license. He keeps failing the test.

It makes me feel sorry for this lady, who like Spongebob, keeps failing the test and going back for more


Armed Texan said...

You may feel sorry for her, but I feel relieved on behalf of her fellow countrymen.

Mad Man said...

Hehehe, yeah, well. Still you've got to give her props for never giving up!